~*~ English Riding Instruction~*~

Mission Statement

Mission Statement
Press Release
Photo Gallery
Horses for Lease/Sale
* Horse Show * *Results *

My Philosophy and Background

I have been riding, training and working with horses for over 20 years.  Throughout my riding career, I have had many experiences that have had a huge impact on my life.  Through all the bucks and falls, goals and successes, I feel I have learned many great lessons.  Riding has taught me to have confidence in myself and to be proud of everything I achieve, no matter how small or simple a task.  In striving for gracefulness, I have learned how to communicate with the horse, and how to think like one.  Most importantly, it has taught me to be patient.  Great things do not happen overnight.  It takes commitment, a positive attitude,practice and encouragement to achieve great things.

           My goal  is to provide quality-riding instruction for anyone with a love for horses, children and adults alike.  I teach in a relaxed atmosphere where only positive pressure is put on my students.  Although strict with my training, especially when it comes to safety, I want my riders and horses to enjoy what they are learning.  I stand by my students and support their goals, whether those goals lead them into the show ring or onto the trails.

Due to my love of teaching, I want to be able to instill in my students the positive attitude and determination that I myself have. My job as a teacher is to be supportive, encouraging, a problem solver, and a mentor. All my riders feel comfortable around me and have faith in what I tell them.  It is my job to help my students reach the goals they set for themselves.  For me to do this I need to be able to communicate with them and understand what they want out of our time together. I get no greater satisfaction that to see a great smile of accomplishement on someone's face!


Jennifer Diorio * Hillsborough NJ